Self Acceptance x Self Love

Self Acceptance x Self Love

Self love is hard.
Self love can be inconsistent.
It can be deep, accepting and unconditional.
It can feel delicate and fragile.

We can feel gratitude for all the good we know exists within us, and then unable to see it only moments later.

Regardless of whether you’re only just starting to love yourself, trying to, or have been on this journey for a long time;
I truly believe the way to ground self love deep into our being is with acceptance.

To not only love the vibrant, beautiful, ‘easy to love’ parts of ourselves, but to embrace and understand the harder to love emotions, behaviours, patterns.

To know they may not be permanent, but for now they are a part of who we are and our journey.

They don’t take away from our beauty, but are part of being human.

It’s a cliche thing to say but we are imperfect. And the sooner we can accept (not even love, just accept) all sides of ourselves, the more love we can feel for our whole self.

More consistent. Stable. And unconditional.

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