Origins. How it works. How to use it.
Burning sage is a ancient spiritual practise that works to clear out negative or unwanted energies from your space, home or heart; priming your energy to be receptive to new beginnings. Sage can also signify resolution, bringing you a sense of peace to move forward with fresh energy.
It works to remove residual or built up emotional or spiritual negativity that have manifested as positive ions, by turning them back into negative ions. Essentially, burning sage raises the vibrational frequency and cleanses your physical space and personal aura.
❀ Light one end of your sage on fire until smoke begins to form (won't stay alight). It is best to use a candle or matches rather than a lighter as the fumes can affect the healing/energetic effects of sage
❀ Carry with you a ceramic/fire proof bowl to catch the ash (some cultures use a shell to bring in the element of water to balance out the fire)
❀ Walk around your home / space guiding the smoke to travel to the corners of each room, saging the doors and windows also. Feel into your intuition the spaces that need more cleansing.
❀ To clear yourself, begin by starting at your feet or head (whichever feels right for you), wafting the sage around your body and aura for the whole length of your being
❀ Ensure you leave windows open so smoke and energy can properly clear out of the space
❀ Only burn a portion of the sage at a time, Each sage bundle should last multiple clearings. To extinguish your sage try to limit its oxygen, however a correctly made bundle should stop burning naturally.
❀ Set an Intention and become present ❀
What are you ready to let go of? What energy are you trying to bring in? Take a moment before and during your practise to harness the energy you wish to manifest within your space or being.
You can set a different intention for each room or person you are saging.
For example: whilst clearing the bedroom, you may focus on bringing in love, connection, rest, Whereas for a study you may wish to bring in focus, abundance, creativity. Make it feel right for your soul.
Also pay attention to any feelings or sensations that may arise during your saging ritual, these may be messages from your body or spirit.
❀ Aftercare ❀
After you have finished your saging ritual, you may wish to bring in some feminine/yin energy to balance the yang/masculine of the sage.
This can be done through the burning incense which carries the energy of yin.
❀ When moving into a new home / space
❀ After an argument or emotionally charged event
❀ During meditation or yoga practises
❀ During or after illness
❀ Whenever you feel called to do so ♡
We have many cultures around the world to thank for establishing and sharing this sacred ritual and it's benefits; such as various Native American cultures including but not limited to Lakota, Chumash, Cahuilla, Numerous Indigenous tribes such as the Ojibwe people, Celtric druids, European witches, and Ancient Romans & Egyptions who would burn sage medicinally.
Whilst the rest of the world now have the knowledge of the effects of saging and have access to engaging in this peaceful practise, it's important to understand some of the struggles it's traditional users faced; respecting their journey of what it took to bring the knowledge & practise of Saging and Smudging forward into the present time.
Among many countries such as America and Canada, saging and smudging were banned. It was illegal for Indigenous folks to practise their own religion. For those who would engage in saging or smudging, they would be punished by jail or even the death penality. This wasn't that long ago. It was only 1978 when the US legalised burning Sage.
With the freedom to engage in this practise at the present time, saging has become increasingly popular. Whilst it is so wonderful to have mor epeople in the world focussing on their spiritual and energetic health, we now face the issue of over harvesting. Not only does this ruin some of the land, but now due to the demand of sage, unethical harvesting is occuring as a result (such as stolen crops). This is a reason to engage in this practise with caution and try to source your sage from a repuitable supplier.
With all this mind, and from all I have gathered in my research, it is okay for non-native users to engage in burning sage as long as it is done mindfully and purposefully.
"I am protected. I bring in love and light."
Amarah Radford (@amarahradford)